Operator: Inter Au Pair Kft.
Address: 2040 Budaörs, Kinizsi út 1-3.
Open: Weekdays and workdays: 10:00-20:00
Weekends and holidays: 09.00-21.00
(it is open the days when the Tesco is open)
The first 2 hours in the playhouse is free for the Tesco’s customers.
(the receipt need to be validated on the cash desk)
In other case the following 1/2 hour costs 500 HUF.
We warmly welcome the children from 3 to 12 years with professional kindergarthen teachers and babysitters.
We would like to make the shopping easier for the families, because we know with a little children it is more complicated to get everything what you want. With our help the parents can do their tasks more comfortable and at the same time they can know their kids in safe.
We have modern games that can develope the children skills and amuse them at the same time.
Telephone: 20/772-1316
Email: [email protected]
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